La collection Jessula Visite de l'atelier et présentation de la résidence en cours de Léna Durr

24.09.2023 - 24.09.2023 • 15h et 15h30 / Talk - Ateliers d'artistes du Quai Antoine Ier

©Léna Durr

Since 2019, NMNM has been hosting artists in residence, notably as part of the programs of the Nouveau Musée Numérique and interventions in schools. During her digital creation residency, artist Léna Durr focused on the collection of African art assembled in the 1950s by Georges Jessula, which was donated to NMNM in 2006 and has been conserved ever since. She wanted to reveal it to the public in the form of a sound and illustrated online narrative.
In her photographs, videos and installations, Léna Durr presents her collection at its most intimate. Accumulations, repetitions, the worthless objects she has bought since childhood have formed the corpus of her work, until she became interested in the collections of others.

With the support of Direction des Affaires Culturelles du Gouvernement Princier, SOGEDA, Extended Monaco and Direction de l’Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports.

Duration: 30 minutes

Reservations (subject to availability) by e-mail to

Ateliers d’artistes du Quai Antoine Ier
6 Quai Antoine 1er, 98000 Monaco
4ème étage  – Atelier 28

As part of the 28th European Heritage Days organized by the Institut du Patrimoine, under the aegis of the Direction des Affaires Culturelles, and the “Les Visiteurs du Soir” contemporary art festival in Monaco, organized by the Botox(s) network.

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