État Naturel / Nature Artificielle Lecture-performance by Léa Collet, guest artist in residence

24.04.2025 • 18h30 / Talk - Villa Sauber

Léa Collet, recherches en cours ; résidence 2025 NMNM

This lecture-performance entitled ‘État Naturel / Nature Artificielle’ presents the ongoing research of Léa Collet’s residency at the NMNM, which explores the interactions between the natural and artificial states. Through an approach based on collaboration and symbiosis, Léa explores the links between the Monegasque landscape, its representations in the museum’s collections, the history of the Jardin Exotique de Monaco, and the imaginary garden she is developing in collaboration with an artificial intelligence and two groups of Monegasque schoolchildren. Particular attention is paid to the way in which these dimensions can feed off each other, opening up new perspectives on their coexistence and mutual enrichment.

Lea Collet lives and works in Aulnay-sous-Bois, and has strong links with London. Collet’s practice oscillates between moving images, performance, installations, video and research. She works in institutional, self-organized and educational contexts. Her work shifts and speculates on the interconnections between botany, emotions, territory, transmission and technology. She proposes new imaginaries, presenting them as new anchors or new collective identities. Particular attention is paid to the coexistence of natural and artificial intelligences. Her approach is a living one, in constant mutation, a continuous empirical creation that feeds on her wanderings through co-creation. 

Léa Collet recently won the SIGG Art Prize. Her work will be on show at the 68th Salon de Montrouge and at the Musée d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, in the group exhibition ‘Echoes of the past, promises of the future’ until 13 July 2025.

Admission free, subject to availability – registration: public@nmnm.mc

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