Mirà The annual review of the NMNM

15 €
MIRÀ is the annual review of the Nouveau Musée de Monaco.
MIRÀ offers a look at the museum’s activities and the expertise they are founded on: exhibitions, collections, heritage conservation, the transmission of knowledge, etc.
MIRÀ invites creators, scholars, thinkers and anyone stirred by artistic creation to come and exchange, encounter and share their knowledge and points of view.
MIRÀ multiplies perspectives.
MIRÀ connects history with the future.
MIRÀ scans the horizon of possibilities.
MIRÀ is a contemporary review.
Extract from “Lines of sight”, editorial by Björn Dahlström, Director
The NMNM is launching the review Mirà to offer new perspectives on art and its activities at the service of the public, to promote their exposure to contemporary creation and to safeguard a precious heritage that it is in our interest to enrich and bring to light. By inviting researchers to consider its collections and its lines of thought, and by offering a panorama of the different professions that make up the museum’s teams and their missions, Mirà proposes not only to cast light on what goes on behind the scenes at the museum, but above all to offer a different perspective on art and the world around us. That is its aim.
The exhibition Tremblings seemed an appropriate choice for this inaugural issue, regarding both the tribute it pays to the NMNM’s acquisitions policy during the twelve years it was directed by Marie-Claude Beaud, and its references to the philosophy and poetics of Édouard Glissant. In their own way, the works selected by Célia Bernasconi and presented at the Villa Paloma all speak of the need to reconsider the diversity of viewpoints and remind us that there is no escape from the challenges thrown up by a world in the throes of violent upheaval.
Monegasque, active verb, neutral form, 1st conjugation
Admire, contemplate, aim at, tend towards.
From Latin. : mirari, contemplate.
Monegasque, Feminine noun
Target, aim, design, goal.
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